About Journey Against Time | 逆光之旅
sFish’s Store应该挺好!
其次呢(not the least)就是这个Website的主要目的(灵感来源于你校@白给居士)是想做成一
Hello, here’s 咸aaaaan鱼. This post I’ll tell you what I want to do with blog.
First, as a undergrad, I’ll put some of my class note and etc. on this web. Call it
what? sFish’s Store will be nice!
Next (BUT THE MOST IMPORTANT ONE), which was inspired by 你校@白给居士, I want to make
this blog as a depot that restore your most treasured memory. Anyone can send an email
to tgy24@mails.tsinghua.edu. The email can include a memory of your being, or a photo of
something you treasured etc. You should tell me how to call you, and you can choose
whether or not to tell us your contact. I will make it a post so that things you treasure
most in your memory will become a memory of all of us here in Journey Against Time. So, I
will call it Depot.
Life is a journey against time, for remembering and for memorising.